Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Day Five: The Princess Bride

Day Five: Favorite love story in a movie

Let me start of by saying I'm definitely not a chick flick kinda gal. It takes a lot for me to actually care about the love story in a movie – to find it believable. Well The Princess Bride has everything I want from a romance movie: sword fighting, evil Princes', giant rats, revenge, kindly giants, true love, a good amount of comedy and a lot of adventure.

A grandfather visits his sick grandson to read him a story, William Goldman's The Princess Bride. The story follows Buttercup after her true love Westley is murdered at sea by the Dread Pirate Roberts. Without Westley, love no longer seems like a real thing, and soon she finds herself courted and engaged to Prince Humperdinck, a vile heir to the kingdom Florin. Days before their wedding, Buttercup gets kidnapped by a three men: a Sicilian genius, a great swordsman with a revenge plan, and a kind giant. However the kidnappers soon realize someone is following them, someone who also wants Buttercup.

This is an extremely well paced, adventure story with everything I love in a movie, and at the heart of it is true love. Love story's usually aren't my cup of tea, but there's something real and heartfelt about this love story. Something admirable.